Supplier Shorts Report

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In This Section

This section will cover how to view Supplier Shorts Reports in Spitfire.


To search for a specific supplier short report you can filter by the following details:
From enter here the date that you would like to filter from, in the format of YYYY-MM-DD. This does not have to be completed if you would like to search from when the records began.
To enter here the date you would like to filter to, in the format of YYYY-MM-DD. This does not have to be completed if you would like to search up until the current date.
Supplier select from the drop-down menu the supplier you would like to filter by. This does not have to compete if you would like to search all suppliers.
Include Credited Shortages tick Tick.PNG for yes or leave blank Blank.PNG for no.
To run the report according to the selected filters press the Run-report.PNG button.


The following details will be displayed: Supplier, Supplier Ref, Supplier SKU, Our PO, Our SKU, Description, Value(Exc VAT), Quantity, Short Request Date, Potential Invoice Nos and Credit Received.

Download CSV

To download the supplier shorts reports as an Excel file, press the Download-csv.PNG button to begin the download. This will download all of the supplier shorts reports that are applicable to the filters specified earlier.

Mark Shortages as Credited

To mark any supplier shorts as credited, under the Credit Received tick Tick.PNG for yes or leave blank Blank.PNG for no, then press the Mark-shortages-as-credited.PNG button to save changes.