Tool List

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In This Section

This is where you will be able to see the list of tools that you have in stock and your premises.

View Orderboard

This option will produce a PDF of the Orderboard for you to Download and/or Print.

View Stock List

This option will produce a PDF of the Stock List for you to Download and/or Print.

View Tool List

This option will produce a PDF of the Tool List for you to Download and/or Print.

Download Tool List (CSV)

This option will produce a CSV file of the Tool List for you to Download and manipulate in Microsoft Excel.

Download Stock List (Excel)

This option will produce an XLS file of the Tool List for you to Download and manipulate in Microsoft Excel.

Maintain Tool Statuses

This option takes you to the Tool Statuses page to maintain them.

Create New Tool

This option takes you to the stock creation page to allow you to create a new tool.

Tool Status

This drop-down field allows you to filter by the tool statuses.

Tool Listing

Last Run

Single clicking here allows you to change the last run date of the tool. Format: yyyy-mm-dd


Single clicking here allows you to change the status of the tool.

Edit (E button)

This will take you to View / Edit the relevant tool record.