View Case

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Top Section

Go To Customer Details

This will take you back to the customer account details.

Go To Customer Orders

This will take you to the customer orders listing.

Follow (or Unfollow) Case

Ability to Follow, or Unfollow the Case.

Show (or Hide) System Events

Ability to Show, or Hide the System Events (such as when the customer is emailed details, operators assign to other operators etc.)

Header Section

Case ID

The Case/NCR ID will be displayed here, and can be used to quote to customers or other members of the team to quickly re-access this case.

Case Title

A brief title for the Case/NCR, this will also be used for reports and emails.

Assigned To

Select who the case is currently assigned to.

Case Priority

Set the priority of the case.

Customer Email

The Customers' email address will be displayed here.

Case Status

The status of the case can be assigned here.

Available Buttons

Update Case
Select this button to update the case from here.
Mark/Un-mark Case as Spam
Select this option to Mark/Un-mark the case as spam. Marking the case as spam also closes the case.

Case Events List

Here you can see details of the case events and depending on your access levels, have the ability to Edit/Delete the event.

Create Event Section (includes Edit Event)


From here you can select a contact from the customers' account.

Email Contact Update

This is displayed if the case isn't private or spam. If it is private/spam, the customer is not emailed updates.

Private Note

This is displayed if the case isn't private or spam. If it is private/spam, the default is Private anyway.

Event Type

From here you can select the event type for reporting.

Pre-filled Response

From here you can select a pre-filled response to edit in the field beneath. Please contact Support to add/modify any of these.


Full details (just like writing an email) can be entered here. HTML can also be used.

Event Part

Primarily used for Manufacturing systems, select the "Event Part" here.

Attach Files

Browse any files (multiples are possible) to attach to the email to the customer.

Close Case

Set this to "Green" to close the case once the event has been created. The customer will be sent a case closure report as well.

Case Links Section

From here you can select various documents to link the case against: Orders, Order Lines, Deliveries and Purchase Orders (after linking to an order line).

You can also link this case to another case, by doing this it will move all of the events from this case to the other one and close the current case.

There is also an option to Delete a link from this section.

Details Section


Here you are able to assign this case to a different customer by searching for their Email Address or Buyer ID.

Create Customer

Here you are able to create a new customer and assign this case to them at the same time.

Send full case report to Email

Here you are able to send a full case report to an email address.


Here you are able to assign the case to a different customer contact.

Email Customer a Report on every Update

Set to "Green" to update the customer on every update.


Set to "Green" to make this case private, and therefore not displayed to customers and customers will not be emailed reports.


Select the department to assign this case against.

Initial Description

Brief details of the initial issue when the case was raised.


Select the type of case here, if it was imported automatically, this will not be modifiable.


Select the class of case here.


Enter the source of the case here (for reporting)

Created Details

Details of who created the case and when will be reported here.

Defer Case Details

Defer Case Until: Date
To defer the case until a specified date, enter it here (format: yyyy-mm-dd) or select from the date selection.
Defer Case Until: Time
To defer the case until a specified time, enter it here using the time selection button on the right.

Due Date Details

Due Date:
To set a due date for the case, enter it here (format: yyyy-mm-dd) or select from the date selection.
Due Time:
To set a due time for the case, enter it here using the time selection button on the right.
Update Case
At the end of this section is the ability to update the case, saving all of the changes so far.

Escalation Section

This section is developed for Manufacturing customers.

Case Files Section

This section allows you to upload/download files associated with the case.